Marketing diagnostic

Your challenge
If your company is suffering a sales downturn or internal lack of confidence regarding corporate or product direction, you might benefit from the assessment of a neutral outside party.

How we help
We have experience helping companies understand whether their current sales, marketing or overall corporate strategies are effective. We provide companies with independent and market perspective on their strategies within the context of our proven technology marketing methodologies.

  1. We conduct an internal assessment. This includes interviews with key members of the management team to understand perceptions about the various marketing elements including current positioning, competition, strengths and weaknesses, etc. (besides providing additional background, this provides perspective on the level of consensus within the company.)
  2. We conduct an external assessment. We conduct qualitative interviews with key members of the marketplace to understand issues similar to those probed internally. We talk with those who are intimately familiar with the market overall, and who can provide competitive perspective, as well as provide insights about segments and their requirements. We talk with a few knowledgeable people to understand what would otherwise require multiple interviews with customers.
  3. In parallel with internal/external research, we also conduct a competitive assessment, examining the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and their relevant products. Research also probes the state of the market overall, including key issues and future direction.

To supplement our primary research, we conduct secondary information searches, examining relevant publications.

Our synthesized research and analysis is presented in a worksession in which we review our findings and recommendations, and together with the client, review and drive consensus on the company's marketing strategies.

Our research probes and draws conclusions about your company's strategies, including but not limited to:

  • Your positioning relative to competitors, including compellingness of your value proposition to target prospects and differentiation more
  • Product definition and its relationship to the wants/needs of the target prospect in your market segment more
  • Effectiveness of relationships with your market infrastructure more

Timeframe & Fees
The marketing diagnostic is an approximately 1 month engagement. Timeframes and fees can be accurately estimated after learning more about your specific business and breadth of information, materials and personnel. Contact us to discuss your company's situation.

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