Quoted in the press

In the New York Times

“It’s not well known that China has set aside more money for the adoption of clean technologies than any other country on the planet. This is possibly the best time to be doing business in China as a clean-tech company. It’s important to get in now and form relationships.”

Dallas Kachan

China’s Water Needs Create Opportunities, October 26, 2009

In the New York Times

“The two largest venture deals (Solyndra and Tesla Motors) and the largest IPO (A123Systems) this quarter were all recipients of U.S. government funding.”

Dallas Kachan

Clean Tech Takes Biggest Share of Funding in 3Q, October 1, 2009

In BBC News

“The most effective way to accelerate cleantech products and services, and scale cleantech, is not to throw more government money at the industry, but for the government to embrace its role as policy maker and setter of standards. There is no lack of capital to be brought to this industry. What it needs are long term assurances that there will be a continued market for cleantech.”

Dallas Kachan

America plays cleantech catch up, February 25, 2009

In CBS MarketWatch

“Governments will start to rearchictect what we mean by cities and urban planning around an electric vehicle infrasrtucture. And this is relatively new—as recently as a year ago, we were still talking about the possibility of fuel cell vehicles. Well, the jury is in, and the future of transportation looks to be all-electric. The only question is when.”

Dallas Kachan

2010 Outlook: Clean Tech's Big Year Ahead, November 30, 2009


“The private sector is not letting the [United Nations] bureaucracy get in the way of getting things done. The funds are already flowing.”

Dallas Kachan

Lack of global climate deal won't crush green tech, November 6, 2009
